Showing posts with label parental alienation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parental alienation. Show all posts

July 18, 2015

Dear Narcissist Problems "Falsely Accused"

 Dear Narcissist Problems,

So, he gas lighted me for 5 years. Including moving things in the house. He tried to make me think I was losing my memory and ability to make sound judgements. He lied and denied things he said or did, that I saw. He convinced his coworkers that I'm a control freak, convinced his family I'm unstable, discredited me to my friends, made me look like an incapable parent, projected his feelings that I'm a bad person down my throat. So I am getting a divorce. My daughter told me her dad tickles her vagina. I told the therapist. Cps was called. He is so good that even with the other incidents of abuse and my daughter’s symptoms they dropped the case. He made it look like I was spinning information and that I'm crazy. His therapist thinks I have serious issues and need a psych evaluation in court. His lawyer thinks I'm nuts and his parents won't talk to me. The worst part... My lawyer decided not to take my case, she referred me to another lawyer, and he won't take my case. I called my original lawyer with no response from her. He's taking me to court and I have no representation and am forced to sign on papers I don't know how to read... Legal jargon. We had sex three times in 6 years, he ignored, rejected, humiliated, projected, used porn and refused his wife, lied constantly, double standards, got his needs met by our 5 yrs. old daughter. He provoked me constantly, threatened to call the cops on me, and stonewalled. No closure, no conflict resolution. Denied all his abusive behaviors or blamed me, used dating sites... Which he denies, he lived a double life while smearing me to his people... He also kept me away from those people. He had more contempt and disrespect then I knew was possible. He has another personality for the public. My daughter and I both had PTSD, but I can't get a lawyer.


“Falsely Accused”

Dear “Falsely Accused”,

One of the most difficult situations we will ever be in with a Narcissist is when we are forced into a courtroom battle that involves our children.  Since starting this page I have heard from numerous people who have described your exact situation and this is why I want and need more people like yourself to write the page and let us know what is going on in our family court system today.  Unfortunately, these people are very good at making us appear to be crazy to the point that lawyers do not want to represent us.  The case is not easily shut and closed as we spend months and years dealing with false allegations and being court ordered into psychiatric evaluations or worse actually being forced into a mental institute based solely on the false allegation.  What we have to say about our experiences with the family court system is met with disbelief as normal people do not believe that the courts or a governmental agency is able to remove our human/civil rights with zero evidence of wrongdoing.  Guess what folks, it is happening.  Every. Single. Day.  Until we bring an awareness to this situation we are going to get lost in the system and have our lives stripped away from us by the family court system.  The way it works is that a false allegation will be made against an otherwise healthy/normal person usually to child protective services.  Child Protective Services can then remove the parent rights of the falsely accused based on little evidence of wrong doing and hearsay.  The parent is then left to defend themselves against these allegations and usually forced to sign papers before court without understanding exactly what they are signing.  A parent will assume that they are agreeing to evaluations with the idea that this will prove that they are innocent of the false allegations but what happens when that paper is signed is the exact opposite.  The signature is then used as proof that the parent falsely accused has admitted guilt of wrong doing; when they were under the impression that they were trying to prove their innocence by cooperating with the government.  Further, the standard of evidence for a family court case is lower than the standard used in the criminal court systems.  Also, there is no right to a trial by a jury of our peers.  The family court system is becoming a breeding grounds for abusers to father abuse their victims and we need to stand up against this injustice!  Nothing good comes from secrets and the family court system is a very secret affair.  The only option we have is to maintain our innocence, keep speaking the truth, research laws, and take our own cases Pro Se.  I know it is not advisable to represent yourself in a court of law but when we are given no choice this is what we must do in order to prevail.  If we sit and do nothing, not one person will care that we are not represented, and that is including the judge.  The next hearing I suggest asking the judge for a lawyer and request a continuance.  Become very familiar with your state laws, case law, and be prepared to fight for yourself.  Document the crazy and bring that documentation with you to court!  Document dates, times, what was said etc.  Document even the little things.  Do not be afraid to contact the police and report the crazy.  Just keep this thought in mind when you feel you are being too hard on crazy “They would do this to me and worse”.  Many times we have trouble calling the police when the crazies are acting crazy because we feel we are being irrational or hypersensitive and it will make us look worse in court.  The more people you can get involved with the witnessing of this abuse the better for you besides the obvious of protecting yourself and your children.  Let his lawyer think what they want, let his parents think what they want, and let the whole damn town think what they want.  The only thing that matters is that you keep speaking the truth even if your voice shakes and even if you are standing alone looking like a lunatic because nobody believes you.  If you lose your children to this monster, appeal.  Then you continue appealing until your case is heard in federal court because THAT is how laws are changed.  Do not flinch at their judgements but stand strong and know that you are not alone!  If we continue to spread awareness of this situation it will force our law makers to take a closer look!  Good Luck to you!


Narcissist Problems

June 3, 2015

Dear Narcissist Problems, "War of The Rose's"

Dear Narcissist Problems,

     I’ve just become a fan of this page. I never thought there would be such a discussion such a powerhouse! I am dealing with the ongoing abuse of an ex-husband with many of the traits talked about here with an 11 year on going divorce. It is a refreshing page you have and I have gotten lost in everyone’s comments. Thank you for your posts it is helping knowing I am not alone and can check in here for reassurance. I would like to comment so perhaps I can help someone else and in the meantime help myself. If you have suggestions I would like to hear them.  It’s a touchy nerve still to this day. I want to know how I openly communicate with my sons who are now 23 and 25 who still live with him and my oldest son works with him in the family business who both have been brainwashed. Next month will be a finalization if all goes well...but not holding my breath! Should I wait till it’s over and said and done? My oldest has dis owned me in a nasty letter to me...I can feel his pain and it kills me knowing he hates my being and wants nothing to do with me ever. We were so close the 3 of us now it’s just a memory of how it felt to hold them and tell them every day how much I love them....I became disabled while still married and I couldn’t look after them I herniated my l4, l5, s1 in 2003 and again in 2010. If it weren’t for my older brother I just met 11 years ago putting a roof over my head and food in my stomach I would of been living on the streets. I, through all my crap, managed to hold my head high and meet the love of my life partner in 2010. My sons have met her we have had a couple of really nice get together but they just snapped one day as if to hurt me for not being able to help them. I understand what I think but don’t know why they can’t stand up for themselves or me and get out of his life...the more questions I ask myself the deeper I fall into a web that he placed around me all this time. We were married for 16 years and dated and lived together for two years. I absolutely despise his being and become bitter just thinking about him. I cry every day to myself just thinking about my sons I’ve always wanted since I was 10 yrs. just seems he gets what he wants and even though we bought the business together and I worked in it beside him from 1996 to 2004 there he has had all my money, but claims to have nothing. He has stopped spousal support of $200.00 a month and owes me over 4,000 there plus other monies from here and there how do I retrieve what is mine? My lawyer is amazing a humanitarian who is working with me not for his pocket. I am blessed to have found his kind heart and soul. I have had 3 lawyers who just did well not a damn thing! I hope you have some answers for me or just something to keep me going...I love this site, it is helping me cope daily with my feelings that real and genuine and believe there is a way to deal with this personality without jail time, but what!? Please let me know when you post something for me to see I don’t like to post here because my Facebook friends can see and I haven’t told everyone what I have been thru or what I am going thru... thank you for your care and concerns if there is anyone you know that is in relationship like mine you may see if they would like to corresponded with me. I am confidential and a real good listener who also has a great outlook and in need of someone to chat with.


“War of The Rose’s”



Dear “War of The Rose’s”,

Thank you for the compliment and we are glad you found your way here!!  An ELEVEN YEAR ongoing DIVORCE?!?!?  I suggest watching the movie “War of The Roses” because that is my first thought.  I’m surprised the both of you have made it this far without committing murder.  I’d like to know more about how this divorce has lasted 11 years.  Please head this message: Get. Out. Now. Before it is too late!  At this point you should be an expert on divorce and would probably give better advice than I ever could.  Please write your book because I am sure there are many people out there who have some questions for you. I.E. How did you keep your sanity? Are you still Sane? How have you not been locked up for murder yet?  You know, the normal things people want to know about when they hear of an ongoing 11 year divorce.  Have you sought therapy for what you are going through?  It would help if there were a little more detail as to what happened between you and your husband, how he ended up with your children, and what your children told you as far as the reason to why they have disowned you.  I know when you are living in what seems to be an eternal vacuum it seems impossible to focus on the small stuff but in this case it might help.  How did this situation spiral out of control?  I think the first step is going no contact with the soon to be ex -husband.  Step two, seek a qualified therapist, find support groups, and find yourself.  If you want to get through this you are going to need to find out what made you stay in this situation for 11 years.  None of us want to feel taken advantage of when leaving a relationship but at some point it becomes necessary to cut your losses and your ties with the toxic other.  Stop to really analyze what has made you stay in this nightmare. Figure out what has happened that makes you feel the need to stay connected to so much chaos.  You have been living in an 11 year hurricane and at some point you need to draw a line in the sand and say to yourself; this is what I will accept in my life and over there is what I will not tolerate.  Remove yourself from the thought process of getting any money, even if it is yours, because this alone could be keeping you in this situation.  I don’t know what happened in your marriage to make it fall apart but it sounds like you may be suffering from post- traumatic stress either from your marriage or from your childhood.  Sometimes we have been through something negative for so long that we begin to feel normal in the negative situation.  If we try to make our lives better it feels unnatural.  As far as your son’s are concerned, I am sorry to say, they are now adults.  They are creating their own boundaries and drawing their own lines in the sand.  Regardless of the reasons they have negative feelings about you the fact is that they do and that should be acknowledged.  You will get nowhere really fast without acknowledging their hurt and pain.  This acknowledgment needs to be heartfelt with a real willingness to not only say you love them but to show them.  Further, if they want nothing to do with you, this needs to be respected.  If you try to force yourself into their lives this will be seen as a major violation to them and may add to the list of reasons they don’t want you in their life.  The work needs to begin at home, with you.  When you begin to heal and understand what has happened to you and why, when you realize the role you are playing in this horror show, and when you accept your faults and others faults then maybe you will be able to move forward.  It will take A LOT of work and A LOT of help but you can do this.  Please keep learning about abuse and keep working on yourself.  Someday, your sons will see the truth or they will see you change and see you are trying.  Words are meaningless to children young and old especially after you have been hurt.  Only actions will change the situation.  Good Luck to you on your journey.


Narcissist Problems

May 26, 2015

Dear Narcissist Problems, "Feeling Violated"

Dear Narcissist Problems,
      I am a healthy four year old little boy with an uncircumcised penis. I have made it this far in life without any problems. My p...arents are not together. My father wants to cut off my foreskin for cosmetic reasons and my mother said no. Last week my mother was arrested and told she would not be released until she signed papers allowing the circumcision to take place. It is my body and I do not want to have my penis cut either, I am scared and I miss my mother. We live in the United States of America. Is this a human rights violation and how can I protect myself since my mother has been jailed and silenced with a gag order?
"Feeling Violated"

Dear "Feeling Violated",

      The first thing I would like to say is that you have our support. A majority of us who have found our way here did so because we have suffered violations of our civil and human rights at the hands of our parents, family, or other loved ones. The situation you and your mother are facing is more like a crime against humanity. Yes, your human rights are being violated and so are your mothers. Unfortunately, given the situation, with the governments current involvement, the only thing to do is to continue to stand up for your rights and spread awareness of the situation so others get involved in your cause. I would suggest contacting the ACLU, advocacy groups, and the media. Given your mothers current court ordered silence you will need volunteers to spread the word of your horrible situation with your toxic father who should be jailed because any parent who truely loves their child would never let a situation where a child is not in danger escalate to this point in order to feel a sense of control over you and your mother. We find it beyond sickening and have officially raised our hands as a volunteer in creating awareness of this situation and sending out a call to action to get others involved as well. Narcissist Problems would like to let you know that we stand with your mother. We believe that your body, including your genitals, belong to you and that we will stand for and help fight against this injustice by spreading awareness of the judicial abuse your mother is currently experiencing. You are a very lucky little man to have such a brave mother standing up for your right to be human against a judicial system that is suffering from severe corruption to the point that a judge feels it is his personal duty to forced your penis to be mutilated. There is a special place in hell for people who watch an injustice take place and do nothing. We hope that the only things you take away from this experience is your mothers bravery, courage, hope in humanity as you watch supporters rally for your rights and dignity, and of course your intact penis. You and your mother are not alone. Rest assured that the outrage express is plowing full steam ahead and gaining momentum in the form of supporters who will not sit down and shut up like your mother has been court ordered to do. We are very sorry that you are going through such a traumatic and dehumanizing experience at the hands of your father. We hope that one day your family will be able to heal from this experience. Continue to fight the good fight and do not stand down to this blatant disregard of your body, human, and civil rights. We support you!
Narcissist Problems

Saving Chase
On November 6, 2014, a Florida court ordered the circumcision of a healthy four year old boy, a painful and risky surgery for young boys, at the insistence of his father. The boy's name is Chase and his mother, Heather Hironimus, is fighting a battle to save him.
In December 2011, Chase's mother signed a parenting agreement which gave Chase's father permission to have their (then) baby boy circumcised. Three years later, Chase is still intact, happy and healthy.
Heather Hironimus realized over the years that removing Chase's foreskin was unnecessary. She argues that the parenting plan circumcision agreement no longer applies to a now older, and more aware, boy.
Pediatric urologist Dr. Charles Flack testified to the court that circumcision is not medically necessary after examining the boy.
Genital autonomy advocates believe Chase's physical and mental health are at risk. He is aware of his body and does not want to have surgery on his genitals. Amputating a healthy, functional body part is a violation of basic human rights and medical ethics.
The purpose of this site is to draw attention to Chase's case and to provide a place for concerned citizens to support Heather's struggle.
We are a coalition of activists committed to saving Chase from a tragic and violent invasion of his body. Funds are collected by Doctors Opposing Circumcision, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Please visit our donate page to support Chase. If you would like to contribute to our efforts in other ways, please contact us through our contact page.
